School Site Council (SSC)
All Montebello Unified School District schools, whether receiving federal or state compensatory education funds or both, must provide for parent and teacher involvement in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the school program for economically disadvantaged students and for limited English proficient students, students in special education, and gifted and talented students. Schools with School Improvement funds must ensure that all interested persons have an opportunity to participate in the SSC. These programs are supplemental to the District’s instructional program.
The California Department of Education requires all schools, with the exception of Charter (EC 47605) to establish a School Site Council (SSC) or council with the same composition. The SSC shall develop, monitor, and approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement and the School Safety Plan in consultation with all stakeholders, with the review, certification, and advice of any applicable school advisory committee (EC 64001). The SSC shall revise and make changes to the School Plan annually; including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to schools that receive supplemental funds. The SSC is a decision-making council.
At the elementary level the council shall be constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal, classroom teachers, and other school personnel: and (b) parents or other community members selected by parents (EC 52852). The membership of the council shall be no fewer than ten members.