School Policies
Accident and Emergency Information
In the event of a serious accident or illness at school, parents will be called. If we are unable to reach you, emergency numbers will be called. When you register your child, you filled out a sheet indicating emergency numbers of two neighbors or relatives who would be responsible for your child if you could not be reached. Please be sure those neighbors or relatives are aware that you have given their numbers as emergency contacts. If at any point during the school year these phone numbers or emergency information should change, please notify the office.
Students will have textbooks assigned to them by their teacher. Pupils are encouraged to cover all textbooks to assist in keeping their books in good condition. Pupils losing or damaging a book shall be required to pay for such books.
Visitors on Campus
Due to safety concerns parents/guardians or volunteers are required to check in through the Main Office before going on campus. Classroom volunteers must clear the office with a TB shot prior to volunteering. ALL VISITORS TO OUR CAMPUS MUST SIGN IN AND WEAR A VISITORS BADGE OR NAME TAG. Teachers will be notified prior to visitors being allowed to proceed to the classroom.
The Wilcox campus is closed to all visitors unless permission is granted by the Main Office for an adult to be on campus or in a classroom. To protect our children, we must request your cooperation in limiting the open door policy to announced visits only.
We encourage and welcome parent volunteers to help in regular classrooms, special classes and the school office. If you are interested in helping at the school on a volunteer basis, please contact the office or your child’s teacher.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is provided for students residing one mile or more from school and is a privilege. If a student’s behavior creates a safety hazard on the bus, the student may be deprived of bus riding privileges. Parents will be expected to transport the student to school if a bus suspension should occur. The behavior and safety of the student at the bus stop is the parent’s responsibility whether they are present or not.
In order to minimize problems resulting from bus transportation, observation of the following rules should be encouraged.
- Arriving at the bus stop ten minutes ahead of schedule is recommended. Arriving too early however, may result in mischief.
- While waiting for the bus, remain in the loading area, not in the street.
- Wait until the bus stops before advancing to board the bus.
- Board the bus and be seated.
- Talk softly to your neighbor when conversing on the bus.
- Be completely quiet when the bus reaches and approaches the railroad tracks.
- Keep the aisle of the bus clear of books, feet, backpacks, etc.
- Keep head, hands and arms inside the bus at all times.
- Older children should assist younger ones in getting off the bus.
- Cooperate with and obey the bus driver at all times.